Batch File Rename Version History
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Hey guys! It has been a long run for the Batch File Rename app. I've been working on developing apps for Apple long before the iPhone even existed. Over the years, Apple has become more mainstream, and as a result of their success, they have had to improve the security of their OS. This is great for the consumer, but for developers, it has meant constantly jumping through hoops to get apps approved. Apple continually blocks features (especially features with file access) for the sake of security. With the last few updates to the OS, the result has been that apps have needed to be rewritten from scratch - for a 3rd time. As you can imagine, having to rewrite everything from scratch (whenever Apple fancies) isn't fun for the developer! I sure wish I could keep adding your feature requests and updates, but at this point, the demands placed by Apple will require more time than I have to spend. I've really enjoyed working with many of you who suggested excellent features which made GOTOES apps better for everyone. I appreciate this wonderful, friendly customer base, and it pains me to have to stop supporting any product. Some of my customers have been using my apps on a daily basis for over a decade now! You guys are the best; I've especially enjoyed working with those of you who I've come to know personally. All the GOTOES Mac apps should work on OSX up to Big Sur. Starting with Monterrey, I no longer plan to continue developing any of the Mac based apps. If you absolutely rely on a GOTOES app, please don't upgrade your OS past Big Sur. If you have an older OSX, feel free to continue using these apps, and don't hesitate to write me if you need a copy of an older version of one of my apps to run on an older Mac. Thanks again for being a part of GOTOES, and I really apologize for this end of life for my apps.
Batch File Rename 2.4.8 (04/13/2021)
- Fixes a drag and drop issue on Big Sur
- Fixed an issue where large renaming projects might open up two rename windows.
Batch File Rename 2.4.7 (04/07/2021)
- Fixed text display issues that appeared with the latest version of Big Sur
Batch File Rename 2.4.6 (05/20/2018)
Batch File Rename 2.4.5 (10/18/2014)
- V2 Codesigning
- Ready for Yosemite
Batch File Rename 2.4.4 (12/07/2013)
- When renaming files by adding a suffix, users can now specify whether the suffix is added before or after the file extension.
Batch File Rename 2.4.3 (11/25/2013)
- Gave users an option to toggle the 'Revert to Previous Name' feature. This feature stores the previous name of a file in the comments field. This allows users to undo file renaming. If a user does not use the comments field, this is a helpful option - but if they do use the comments field, it may not be a suitable solution. Now the user can turn off this feature, thereby preventing the comments field from being overwritten.
Batch File Rename 2.4.2 (05/02/2013)
- Now when the user attempts to rename files by trimming characters from the end of a filename, they are given the option to trim off the file extension, or to trim the characters that come before the extension.
Batch File Rename 2.4.1 (10/02/2012)
- Added Code Signing for ease of installation on Mountain Lion (10.8) systems
- Changed icon format for Retina displays
Batch File Rename 2.4.0 (02/21/2012)
- Added UpperCase + LowerCase feature
- Added links to help items directly from app.
Batch File Rename 2.3.9 (02/09/2012)
- Added option to sort by position in finder window instead of alpha numerically.
Batch File Rename 2.3.8 (01/25/2012)
- Improved Replace Entire Name Feature
Batch File Rename 2.3.7 (01/20/2012)
- Changed the Replace Entire Name Feature so the user can also use it to simply serialize the files. To use the Replace Entire Name feature to just serialize file names, simply leave the New Name field blank. Then, at the next prompt, enter the serial number you want to begin with. You also have the option to start with zero (0) now, which will rename the first file with no dash or number.
Batch File Rename 2.3.6 (10/27/2011)
- Changed how Mac Batch File Rename handles text files when using the "Rename According to Text File" feature. Now, Batch File Rename will look for all possible new line characters (carriage return, line feed, and any combination of the two)
Batch File Rename 2.3.5 (08/31/2011)
- Feature Request: Users can now specify the serial number to start with when using the "Replace Entire Name" Feature.
Batch File Rename 2.3.4 (05/06/2011)
- Minor Bug Fix for Tiger Users - Play sound at end now works
Batch File Rename 2.3.3 (05/03/2011)
- Fixed a bug with the Serialize Feature
Batch File Rename 2.3.2 (03/20/2011)
- Significantly improved speed of File Name Sorting (File Name sorting occurs in File Renaming procedures like rename according to text file)
- Updated Versioning Numbers to match Apple Store versioning standards.
Batch File Rename 2.2
- Added feature to change filename case (uppercase/lowercase).
Batch File Rename 2.1
- Added Progress indicator
- Added more detailed renaming feedback in the case of errors, duplicate file names, etc.
Batch File Rename 2.0
- Added Preference pane: Now the user has the option to bypass the start options, and use Batch File Rename as a dedicated droplet. Of course, the options can still be accessed and reset by double clicking on the application.
Batch File Rename 1.9
- Added Rename Entire File Feature.
Batch File Rename 1.8
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Improvements for Snow Leopard (Finder on Snow Leopard is sometimes slow to refresh / update the windows. Batch File Rename will now automatically force-refresh the window for users on Leopard and Snow Leopard. This behavior does not occur for users of Tiger.
Batch File Rename 1.7
- Added replace-text globally feature.
Batch File Rename 1.6
- Increased compatibility with older OSXs (Panther and earlier).
Batch File Rename 1.5
- Added a window Refresh Step (addresses an issue in Leopard).
Batch File Rename 1.4
Batch File Rename 1.3
- Even Faster Batch File Renaming Engine, Default Buttons.
Batch File Rename 1.2
- Minor Bug Fixes, Faster execution.
Batch File Rename 1.0
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