A Quick Video Overview of MiJournal
Can't see the video? For Textual Help, Click Here!Here we provide you a quick video overview of using MiJournal. This is just an overview of some of the basic features. On our MiJournal FAQ page, We discuss creating your first diary (you can have multiple diaries - as many as you want). We also discuss creating a new diary entry, saving it, and navigating through diary entries using the calendars. We also explain how you can password protect your diaries - and even encrypt all of your entries for the ultimate in security. We show you how to import diary entries from other programs (or your text files). Finally, we discuss how to move the diary database so you can synchronize your entries using Dropbox (or similar software).
Page Last modified: September 26, 2014
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Supported OSs:
Big Sur (11.0) end-of-lifeCatalina (10.15) 64-bit
Mojave (10.14)
High Sierra (10.13)
Sierra (10.12)
El Capitan (10.11)
Yosemite (10.10)
Mavericks (10.9)
Mountain Lion (10.8)
Lion (10.7)
Snow Leopard (10.6)
Mac Diary App:
The MiJournal software is available for immediate download after purchase. Once you have completed your transaction on PayPal's website, return to GOTOES.ORG to obtain the MiJournal software. A link is also sent by email. If you do not get the email, check your junk mail filter!