Create Quality Reports from AB1 files, Open Chromatograms and more!
If you want to open AB1 DNA Sequence files, and generate detailed Quality reports on your Mac, you have come to the right place. There are many applications for opening DNA sequence files on the PC, but few exist for opening them on the Mac. Furthermore, none of the existing software will generate quality reports for your DNA sequence chromatograms.
To use this DNA sequence analysis software, simply drag and drop chromatogram files onto the program's icon. In a few seconds, the program will generate a quality report, and open it in your default browser. We recommend using Safari to analyze your DNA chromatograms, but Firefox will display the AB1 files as well (you may need to click once in the chromatogram window for it to display).
Screen Shot of Mac Sequence View
Above, you can see the simple, easy to read output screen of Mac Sequence View. Your DNA sequences have been analyzed, and the data from the chromatograms has been converted into a color coded table. The sample name becomes a link which you can click to pop open a new window displaying the raw DNA sequence. We report a sample score (assigned by ABI on a scale of 0 to 60), the signal to noise ratio, the read length, and the ratio of Low, Medium, and High Quality Basecalls.
Screen Shot of Chromatogram Viewer
All you have to do is click the Sample name to pop up a view of the chromatogram as seen above. We also provide a link to quickly translate all of your AB1 files into a single FASTA file. We also provide you with quick, easy links to BLAST, VecScreen, and a detailed Help Menu.
If you do not have a Mac, we recommend ABIs DNA Sequence Scanner Software This program will generate a quality report (similar to ours) but on your PC. The only disadvantage with their software is that it is much slower than ours. They also offer DNA Sequence Analysis software. This software is much more expensive than ours, but it will run on a Windows PC.
Page Last modified: September 29, 2013
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