Hi guys - I occasionally get questions about Connect IQ fields and I wanted to address some solutions to these issues.
First note: ConnectIQ fields are GARMIN SPECIFIC fields. The developers of the 3rd party apps need to register their apps with Garmin and receive an "application_id" as well as provide Garmin with "field_definition_number"(s). Once the developer has registered their app with Garmin, the "application_id" tells Garmin which developer this data is coming from (for example, Moxy looks like this: "174,249,34,225,156,253,76,159,165,60,214,94,30,92,211,30"). The "field_definition_number" tells Garmin the name of the field and how the data is scaled for graphing (I think - I'm just learning this from my users' submissions).
There are a couple problems I have witnessed:
Problem 1: GOTOES tool cannot read the data
Usually the cause for this issue is because you recorded with a non-Garmin device. For example, if you have a Stryd sensor on your shoe, paired with a phone, the FIT file is recorded differently than if you have the Stryd sensor sending data to a Garmin device. Notably, if you pair with the app, the application_id seems to be coming through as "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"... when it should look something like this: "174,249,34,225,156,253,76,159,165,60,214,94,30,92,211,30". The reason this is a problem is because when you send the resulting file to Garmin, they have no idea "who" it came from... and because of that, they cannot pair up the resulting "field_definition_number"(s) with the data in the file. As such, the data is not displayed. If you think this is the problem you are having, here is a deeply detailed discussion of this issue.
If you try to insert ConnectIQ data from a file that is missing this information, my tool will warn you with an error message. I did try and write a work-around so that the data will at least show on the original developer's tools... but no guarantees that it will work - and it almost certainly won't work on Garmin Connect.
Problem 2: GOTOES could read data, but it is not showing on Garmin Connect
It seems like Garmin is a little picky about this. Garmin Connect WILL show the data if you specify in the GOTOES tool that the data is from a Garmin Device. But, if you select a non-Garmin Device, Garmin Connect will not show the ConnectIQ data - even if it is embedded in the file. Please see the two screenshots below for a demonstration: