Update to how multiple files are handled when adding time stamps.

A place for the community to help each other out with getting the most out of the Add Time Stamps to FIT, TCX, or GPX Files Tool.
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Update to how multiple files are handled when adding time stamps.

Post by fulmar2 »

Hi guys -

Today I made a couple changes to how the time stamp tool works when uploading more than one file:

#1 Sequential Time Stamps

Previously, if you uploaded multiple files to the time stamp tool, they would all get assigned the exact same start time as shown below:
Old ordering of files when time stamping multiple files: All files get assigned the same start time.
Old ordering of files when time stamping multiple files: All files get assigned the same start time.
Notice how all the files start at the exact same time. It occurred to me that this probably isn't very useful to people who are uploading multiple files at the same time; I assume that if you're time stamping more than one file, you probably want them to be linked up sequentially. Therefore, I changed the way the tool works so that each successive track picks up where the previous one left off as shown below:
New ordering of files when time stamping multiple GPS tracks.  Notice how these are aligned sequentially in time.
New ordering of files when time stamping multiple GPS tracks. Notice how these are aligned sequentially in time.
Please let me know if this does not work for you, but I think that everyone will appreciate this change.

#2 File Sorting by upload Name

In order for the Sequential Time Stamp tool to work, I also changed how files are ordered when you upload them. Previously, no sorting of files was applied. This means that if you uploaded the files, they might be timestamped irregularly. Now, with the new sorting by name, you can assign sequential naming to your files so you can control the order in which they are linked. The sorting is alpha-numeric... so files will be sorted in the following order:

Code: Select all

Or, you if you choose letters:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

The reason this is important is because if you put tracks in without assigning the order, you could get a mess on the map. Here are examples:

Example of tracks time-stamped, but not sorted by name.
Example of tracks time-stamped, but not sorted by name.
Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 5.52.39 PM.png (61.73 KiB) Viewed 45260 times

Example of tracks time-stamped and sorted by name.  Note that YOU must name the tracks such that they are sorted in order.  Without time-stamps, the tool cannot tell which order the tracks belong in without you numbering them as described above.
Example of tracks time-stamped and sorted by name. Note that YOU must name the tracks such that they are sorted in order. Without time-stamps, the tool cannot tell which order the tracks belong in without you numbering them as described above.
Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 5.50.27 PM.png (68.31 KiB) Viewed 45260 times

Hope these new features help you guys out!!
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