How to Convert FIT, GPX, TCX, or CSV files to KML

A place for the community to help each other out with getting the most out of the Combine FIT, GPX or TCX files for Strava Upload Tool.
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How to Convert FIT, GPX, TCX, or CSV files to KML

Post by fulmar2 »

The GOTOES tool is a good way to convert between file types. If you have a FIT, GPX, TCX, or CSV file that HAS TIMESTAMPS, you can now convert it to KML using the GOTOES tools.

How to Convert a FIT, CSV, GPX or TCX file that has timestamps
Select "KML" if you would like to convert a GPX or FIT or TCX or CSV file to KML.
Select "KML" if you would like to convert a GPX or FIT or TCX or CSV file to KML.

Note that if your file does not already have timestamps, you will get an error upon upload. In that case, you need to add timestamps yourself:

How to Convert a FIT, CSV, GPX or TCX file that DOES NOT HAVE timestamps Hope that helps you convert between different GPS file formats!
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