My tools aim to be self-service, free, and easy to use. Sometimes, more complicated repair situations arise... or users don't want to spend a lot of time messing around trying to fix their GPS tracks.
The other day, someone reached out to me about a triathlon they had completed. They lost their entire track, and all the Wahoo had recorded was the start/stop time and the laps. I was given a file with a request to resurrect the activity. Of course, I can't make something out of nothing, but there was information in the file - importantly the timing.
Since this was a public event, I was able to look up the other participants activities, retrieve someone who had a "close" time for each of the 3 activities. I stored a Swim, Bike, and Run file that was slightly faster than each of what was done by my client. Next, I used my Add Timestamp Tool to set the start time of each the Swim, Bike, and Run to match the exact second when he began those legs (I knew this from the laps in the FIT file he supplied).
The next step was to adjust the speed of each leg so that it matched that of the client. I could see exactly how many minutes/seconds the source activity took, and I now have a tool (not yet available to the public) that can slow down a track. It can't speed up a track, which is why you need to grab a source from someone who was slightly faster and then slow it down to your level. Since this was a race, chances are high that everyone is going the same (relative) speed along the course. For example, if there is a big uphill, the source track will be moving slower than if it were a downhill. My Track-slowing tool provides slowing evenly over the course of the entire activity, so in the event of a complete loss of a track, it's the "next best thing."
Anyway, after all of the modifications, I stitched these files together along with his original FIT File which had the laps and distance data. In the end, we got something that was extremely accurate. This was a super important race for him, and he donated handsomely to the GOTOES tools website.
I know that some of the tools can be tricky to use by yourself - especially for a project as complicated as this. So, I wanted to announce that if you have an important event that you need restored, I can probably fix it for you as a service. Keep in mind that this is not a free service; this project I described above took me over an hour and a half. If it is something you need, please Contact Me with what you're trying to accomplish.