Overview, Donations / Patreon, Features

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Overview, Donations / Patreon, Features

Post by fulmar2 »

Hi guys -
I'm the developer of the GOTOES | Strava Tools. I started working on this project to help repair some of my own GPS tracks, and then thought it would be useful to help out other people. By 2015, the tool already had a lot of daily users, who I was helping out via email pretty frequently. A lot of people had some good feature requests, which I have since integrated into the tool. Many people have donated (thanks so much) which has kept me motivated to keep working and making the tool better.

If you encounter any usability issues where something doesn't work, PLEASE LET ME KNOW using the "Contact" button on the website. It really bothers me if there is a bug in the tool and people are out there getting frustrated... and I can't help them because I don't know about the issue.

Recently, I have implemented several new features. These new features are more demanding on both my server and Strava's server. Strava limits the number of daily requests as well as the requests every 15 minutes via the API. Due to the surging popularity of this tool, I have decided to limit some of the most demanding features by making them accessible to donors only. **If you donated via Paypal before December 18, 2020, please use the contact link and write me with the PayPal email address you used to donate so I can send you a code for full-access to early-release features. By limiting the number of users, I can reduce the number of "500 errors" that people get from my page (when the site is getting really heavy usage). It will make the page work better for everyone. Also, it will reduce the risk of me exceeding my Strava request limit.

My goals for this tool are to make it be the most awesome free GPS track repair tool out there. My long term plan is to keep it free for everyone; no one should ever feel pressured to donate. If you can't afford to donate, here is an easy way to get rid of the nag-screen for free. The nag screen appears after you have merged 10 times, but the user can easily dismiss it temporarily or permanently using the instructions in the previous link. On average, I get about 5 emails per day that often involve complex questions on how to do this-and-that with GPS tracks. For me, it is a labor of love : I have sometimes spent several hours helping people get the result they want so that Strava will display their information accurately. I really enjoy doing this, and sometimes the people I help are very kind! I do need some time to go out and ride too, so by placing limits on early-access features, I can also reduce the number of questions I receive on beta-features that may not be fully developed yet.

Thanks again to all of the people who have been so generous to help with ideas or donations. The kindness I've seen really has opened my eyes to how many great and thoughtful people there are out there!