A place for the community to help each other out with getting the most out of the Add Time Stamps to FIT, TCX, or GPX Files Tool.
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Post by ENDURA »

i HAVE downloaded my own GPX from garmin. added a time stamp. when i upload to strava the pace goes to pace 3. How come?
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Post by fulmar2 »

Can you please explain your question a little bit better in order to receive help? Thanks.
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Post by DefEnel »

I am not the TS, but I do have simular issues. I uploaded a track and tried to change speed / pace. The results are very unpredictable, wheter I turn "Elevation in Calculating Speed" on or not. I also tried the "Interpolate Tracks (Add Points)" option, but that doesn't make any difference. It did work better when using rounded MPH instead of KMPH.

For example. I uploaded a track of 5 hours. I hit pause for an hour during lunch, I didn't hit pause on the 100's of traffic lights I came across. Result is a very low pace, so i tried correcting that using the Gotoes timestamp tool. No matter how I exported the GPX using KMPH, it always showed 5 hours or more. I eventually tried a rounded MPH and that seemed to work. I don't know if it had to be rounded or not, but it surely worked better than KMPH
Last edited by DefEnel on Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fulmar2 »

I think we can address this - but please remember that when using the "elevation in calculating speed," you probably won't get a precise speed at the end. One possible explanation is that you have set a very slow moving speed - and the tool has a minimum speed to be considered moving.

I'd like to help you out further, so please use the "Contact" link on this page:

Once you write me, I'll write back requesting you to send me your files as well as the exact settings you are using and also the result you are trying to achieve (in terms of actual speed). I'll see if there are settings that you haven't tried yet... or I'll tinker with the code (if needed) to get you the result you are looking for.
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Post by JessieWeaver »

ENDURA wrote: Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:13 pm i HAVE downloaded my own GPX from garmin. added a time stamp. when i upload to strava the pace goes to pace 3. How come?
To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the following steps:

Double-check Time Stamps: Verify that the time stamps you added to the GPX file are accurate and synchronized correctly with the GPS points. Even a small time offset can significantly impact the calculated pace.

Check GPS Accuracy: Ensure that your Garmin device had a good GPS signal during the activity. Poor GPS reception can result in inaccurate distance and pace calculations. If possible, compare your downloaded GPX file with the original file from the Garmin device to identify any discrepancies.

Consider Other Factors: Keep in mind that pace calculation takes into account various factors such as elevation changes, running conditions, and the smoothing algorithms used by different platforms. These factors can cause slight variations in the reported pace.

Contact Strava Support: If the issue persists and you believe there is an error in how Strava is processing your GPX file, reach out to Strava's support team. They can provide further assistance and help you resolve any technical issues.
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