How to Bulk Upload a list of Activities to Strava from a Spreadsheet

A place for the community to help each other out with getting the most out of the Bulk Upload to Strava from Spreadsheet Tool
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How to Bulk Upload a list of Activities to Strava from a Spreadsheet

Post by fulmar2 »

Many users have asked me about a way to upload "historical" activities to Strava from a spreadsheet. I've been provided with a few test spreadsheets and come up with a solution. Strava only allows the following fields to be added to manual activities:
  • Activity Name
  • Activity Type
  • Sport Type
  • Start Date/Time
  • Total Time
  • Distance
  • Trainer (yes or no)
  • Commute (yes or no)
  • Description
Here is a Template Spreadsheet that you can use. It has Validation in the cells to prevent users from accidentally trying to submit fields that will cause a rejection by Strava.

Step 1:

The first step is to transcribe your existing spreadsheet to this template. Make sure to duplicate the spreadsheet to your Google Account (or copy and paste the spreadsheet into MS Excel / Libre Office, etc.)

Step 1: Make your Spreadsheet using the Template.
Step 1: Make your Spreadsheet using the Template.

Step 2:

Once you have the spreadsheet filled out, highlight all the cells you have filled out, and copy-paste into the GOTOES Bulk Upload Spreadsheet to Strava tool.

Step **: You might not need to do this if you have already connected GOTOES to your Strava account... but if you haven't yet, the you will need to make this connection.
Step **: You might not need to do this if you have already connected GOTOES to your Strava account... but if you haven't yet, the you will need to make this connection.
Step 2: Paste your Spreadsheet into the paste-box.
Step 2: Paste your Spreadsheet into the paste-box.

Step 3:

Hit the "Submit" button, and you should see a table with your entries. If any of the rows are red colored, that means your start time is invalid. The tool will skip this row when sending to Strava. The tool tries to be "smart" about some of the items; for example if you do not use the validation in the Google Spreadsheet, it will try to coerce the Sport Type and Activity Type to something that Strava will accept. You cannot "make up" sport types.

Step 3: Click "Submit" and verify that the table is populated correctly.
Step 3: Click "Submit" and verify that the table is populated correctly.

Step 4:

Finally, you will want to send the items to Strava.

Step 4: If everything looks good, click the button to send to Strava. Files that are uploaded correctly will get a green check.  Also, the Activity name will turn into a blue hyperlink (that opens the newly created activity in a new window).
Step 4: If everything looks good, click the button to send to Strava. Files that are uploaded correctly will get a green check. Also, the Activity name will turn into a blue hyperlink (that opens the newly created activity in a new window).

The tool is free to use for any number of uploads. Please note that if you are not a donor, the tool will insert a link back to the tool in your activity description. This will help other people learn that they can use GOTOES to bulk-upload activities to Strava. If you are a > $10 USD donor, this link will NOT appear in your activity description.

GOTOES will add a little link to your description if you're not a > $10 USD donor.  This helps spread the word that other people can also use this tool.  You're welcome to delete the extra lines from your description if you want.
GOTOES will add a little link to your description if you're not a > $10 USD donor. This helps spread the word that other people can also use this tool. You're welcome to delete the extra lines from your description if you want.

This is a "first hack" at the tool, and it's still in Beta. Please use the contact form on GOTOES to help me improve this tool!
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