Strava eMail Upload Step By Step Instructions

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Strava eMail Upload Step By Step Instructions

Post by fulmar2 »

GOTOES "brings back" the ability for you to upload your activities to Strava via email! All you need to do to make this work is to create an account with GOTOES and link it to your Strava account. Once you have completed those two steps, GOTOES provides you with an email address which you can send an email and attach a GPX, TCX, or FIT file. GOTOES will take the attachment and upload it to Strava on your behalf.

Here is how to connect our tool to your Strava account: (Click Here if you need to go back to the Email->Strava Tool)

Step 1:
First, you will need to create a new account on GOTOES. To do that, enter your email address and create a new password.


Step 2a: (previous donors and account holders only)
If you are a GOTOES DONOR or you already had an EMAIL UPLOAD connection, then an account with a temporary password has already been made for you. You will need to use the "Forgot Password" link to setup a new password.
**IMPORTANT - if you donated, please use the EXACT SAME EMAIL address that you used when you donated. This could be your PayPal email address, or the address that you gave to Patreon. If you used Applepay and a private email address with Patreon, your email will look something like this:
You will need to use that email to get your donor benefits. If you do not know your fake email, log into Patreon and look it up.

If you don't already have an account, please go to step 2b... otherwise, go to step 3.


Step 2b: (NON-donors and new users)
You should get an email that asks you to verify your email address. To make your account work, you must click that link. Also, the link expires after about 15 minutes, meaning that if you don't click the link within that time, you will have to re-create the account.


Step 3:
After you click the link, you should get the green bar indicating that your account is now active. If you waited more than 15 minute to click the link, you will get a message that your token expired. This means you need to start over.


Step 4:
You should now log into your account using the password and email that you supplied. At this point, you should connect GOTOES to at least one Strava account. Please connect the "Strava Account 1" - this is your "Master" Strava account. If you decide to connect a 2nd account, that will ONLY apply to the email uploader. That account will also receive any uploads you try to upload to strava via email.


Step 5:
When you click the orange "Connect with Strava" button, you will be asked to authorize GOTOES to read your account data. You should click the orange Authorize button on Strava's page. **IMPORTANT: If you are trying to connect a 2nd Strava account to your GOTOES, you will first need to sign out of strava (on their site directly) before trying to link the 2nd account.


Step 6:
Strava should take you back to GOTOES. After you go back, you should see your Strava profile picture and some information about your connection. Now just send an email to with a GPX, TCX, or FIT file attached, and it will appear in your Strava Account!


You can check the status of your uploads here. This is what that page will look like after you have uploaded a few files to Strava via email:


(Click Here if you need to go back to the Email->Strava Tool)
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