Which FIT Data Fields does GOTOES support?

A place for the community to help each other out with getting the most out of the Combine FIT, GPX or TCX files for Strava Upload Tool.
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Which FIT Data Fields does GOTOES support?

Post by fulmar2 »

People will often ask me if GOTOES will export a certain data field that they really want into their FIT file. Here is a list of the currently supported FIT FILE fields that GOTOES can process. Keep in mind that this is an evolving list. As I receive feature requests or new fields are added, I try to keep up. GOTOES is mostly targeted at Cyclists, Runners, and Swimmers - so I try to prioritize fields that are pertinent to these sports.

To ensure that these fields are transferred from your import to your export, you want to make sure that the "Parse Rarely Used FIT fields" checkbox is checked as illustrated below:

Screen Shot 2024-05-04 at 10.00.56 AM.png

List Last Updated May 4, 2024

Supported Native Garmin Fields

Supported FIT Record Fields

Code: Select all

position lat
position long
heart rate
enhanced speed
enhanced altitude
developer data
accumulated power
left right balance
vertical oscillation
stance time percent
stance time
left torque effectiveness
right torque effectiveness
left pedal smoothness
right pedal smoothness
fractional cadence
total hemoglobin conc
saturated hemoglobin percent
left platform center ofsset
right platform center ofsset
left power phase
left power phase peak
right power phase
right power phase peak
step length (stride length)
performance condition
enhanced respiration rate
jumps (distance, height, hang time, score)
Supported FIT Session Fields

Code: Select all

start time
sub sport
total elapsed time
total timer time
total distance
total ascent
total calories
total training effect
total anaerobic training effect
primary benefit
training stress score
intensity factor
normalized power
avg heart rate
max heart rate
avg speed
max speed
avg cadence
max cadence
avg power
max power
threshold power
total cycles
training load peak
total grit
avg flow
jump count
calories consumed
est sweat loss
fluid consumed

Supported FIT Developer Data Fields

GOTOES currently supports ALL PROPERLY ENCODED Developer Data Record and Session Fields. A Record Field is like a stream of data. Think of power, heart rate, or vertical oscillation. This is data that occurs over a period of time. Note that when I say "properly encoded" data that many nascent manufacturers have not registered their ID with ThisIsAnt and they just leave the Developer ID field blank. Furthermore, I have received quite a few files with the Session Data improperly placed in the Record fields. At this time, GOTOES does its best to process these files.. but technically, they are not formatted correctly. Garmin does it correctly (of course: They designed the spec).. but quite a few 3rd party apps like Coros and Stryd still do not do it correctly. GOTOES will tell you what it can (and cannot) insert if you load your files and check the "ConnectIQ" stream checkbox.

Here is an example of an improperly formatted Stryd file.  This file comes directly from the Stryd app.  People who pair a Stryd sensor with a Garmin Device do not have this problem with GOTOES.  I am planning on writing a work-around to address this issue.  Hopefully it will be finished by mid 2024.
Here is an example of an improperly formatted Stryd file. This file comes directly from the Stryd app. People who pair a Stryd sensor with a Garmin Device do not have this problem with GOTOES. I am planning on writing a work-around to address this issue. Hopefully it will be finished by mid 2024.
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