This issue is resolved; the conversation is left for historical purposes.
To upload activities to Strava via Email, please use the GOTOES - Strava Email Uploader. The subject of your email will become the title of your activity.
To upload activities to Strava from your Garmin Account with the click of a button, Please visit the Transfer Garmin -> Strava tool. Note that you can Merge Activities from Garmin using this tool as well - by checking the "Edit or Merge Checked Files before..." checkbox...
Hi - thanks for creating these tools.
It would be be great if the Garmin Name could be be defaulting as the Strava Name (or if there was a button/option to automatically do that)
How to set Activity name when uploading to Strava via Email: SOLVED
Re: Activity Name Default
Hi -
Could you please explain your request a bit more in detail? Thanks!
Could you please explain your request a bit more in detail? Thanks!
Re: Activity Name Default
When copying a file from Garmin - have a checkbox that allows you to use the Garmin name as the Strava name. Right now, you have to manually copy the text that is the link to the Garmin activity and past as the Strava name.
Re: Activity Name Default
Now I understand. That is a good idea and I will try to implement it in the next couple days. Thanks.